


A growing garden of legends

Join The Reunion For Our 4 Week Program

As with any reunion, everyone is invited. It’s up to you whether or not you show up…


Dates: New dates to be announced

When: Wednesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm AEST (video dial-in via Zoom)

Cost: By contribution

If you’ve landed here on this page, you’re no doubt struggling to process the enormity of what has been unleashed on this continent these past few months. With droughts swiftly followed by bushfires, floods and now the outbreak of a global pandemic.

The planet is reaching and surpassing tipping points that we’re seeing play out across our communities right now, in real time. Some say this will be the new normal. But that suggests a steady state, something stable that we can adjust to and settle into. Whereas this will be an ever moving baseline, abound with unforeseen effects and consequences.

How are we to go about living our lives in the face of this?

The effect this will have on us, our families and our communities are an unknown at this point. But we can be certain that we all need to do considerable work to ensure we can adapt, build resilience, and make a rapid transition to a whole new way of being.

So we’ve created RiseUp↑ as our answer to this challenge.

What is RiseUp↑?

RiseUp↑ is part self-transformation course, part think tank/action tank and part community builder. It will also be a journey of deep enquiry. It has been designed to help us help each other be the leadership we so desperately need.

We’ll be taking a deep look inside at who we are, we’ll lift up the astroturf to reveal how we’re being informed, we’ll explore theories and frameworks of change, and we’ll discuss how we can best show up as we rise together in 2020.

This is a program for us to come together as a community and create a culture of care, continuous development and supporting each other to do meaningful work in the world. The aim is to help each cohort become transition accelerators and fast-track the transition required within ourselves, our communities, and society at large.

This experience will open doors for you to:

  • Develop a framework for your own ecology of practice

  • Cultivate better sense making practices in a time of rampant misinformation

  • Multiply your impact through collective intelligence, open participation and decentralised communities

  • Belong to a network of transition accelerators who welcome deep enquiry

What’s inside?

  • Weekly curated readings, watchings and listenings to challenge and inspire you

  • Recorded video and audio of our sessions to keep forever

  • Access to private online group

  • Access to private Alumni group learning experiences

Join The Reunion

This program will be available by contribution, in support of a new way of doing things.

We have several tiers of exchange that we’ve suggested, but we'd love you to contact us by email on together@reunion.earth if you're not in a position to make a financial commitment, or if you'd like to make a different level or kind of contribution. If you can afford to pay a higher registration this will contribute to scholarships - plus 50% of any profits be will going towards a regenerative project within the collective.

what participants say…

"In these times of uncertainty and confusion about how we tackle the huge challenges the planet faces one thing is clear to me... it all starts with community. I joined RiseUP↑ to learn from some of the best voices tackling Australia's climate inaction and to create connections with a passionate virtual community. It ticked both boxes and so much more. I highly recommend RiseUP↑ if you're ready for a rocket boost in your action-ism or simply looking for a place to learn and connect."

Tim Silverwood - Co-founder, Ocean Impact Organisation

"The RiseUP↑ program creates the soil and conditions to grow your impact as a change-maker. Much more than an 'online learning experience', it's a rich community that will stay the course with you, through this program and beyond."

Alice Howard-Vyse - humanise this

“Thank you once again, for creating a beautiful space for likeminded people to connect, exchange and support each other. I am also very grateful for all the knowledge and tools that you have offered us during the course.”

"The benefit mindset was a tremendous discovery/insight. The information ecology perspective helped sharpen my thinking on my information diet. The focus on achieving flow gave me new insight in how to reach, maintain and recharge..."

“It was all about the connection with like minded/like missioned people. Really interesting content that had me question the purity of my information ecology and fuelled the fire in my belly to be the change.”

“A model of hope... integrated with the whole of me & purpose I seek to fulfil. Acceptance of my being & doing. Unpacked issues such as media integrity, healing & sharing & how to focus that in my work in a playful way to offer it to others…”

things our alumni do…


Ocean Impact Organisation’s mission is to create an abundant and sustainable ocean through inspiration, innovation, leadership and good business. OIO is Australia’s first ocean impact ecosystem and startup accelerator - helping people start, grow and invest in businesses that positively impact the ocean

Tim Silverwood

Tim Silverwood


HumaniseThis works with fringe-dwellers, change-makers, pioneers and visionaries to bring innovative ideas to life, using the tools and methods of design to seed and spread ideas that shape the kind of future our great-grandchildren deserve.


Farmwalls are aquaponic farms that grow and store microgreens, herbs and leafy greens in a beautifully designed natural ecosystem, eliminating packaging waste and food miles, while delivering the freshest produce you can get.


A place for ambitious leaders, bold organisations and great agencies to fly together… working in collaboration to define our future.

If you’re keen to dig a little deeper, take a quick read through our FAQ’s for RiseUp↑

and please get in touch anytime via email to together@reunion.earth



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